The advantages of Hair Transplant
If one were to ask, what the advantages of getting a hair transplant were, most people would say getting their lost confidence back. But truth be told there are several other advantages too, such as
- With a good hair transplant, you can be sure that your hair will look natural.
- The hair that will be transplanted will be permanent and you will not have to struggle with bald spots anymore.
- The donor area will always be a permanent zone, which means that even if hair is extracted from there, hair will grow back.
- Hair transplant these days is so strong that you can do anything, including dance, play and swim, without a worry in the world.
- Once the hair has grown to a certain length, you will be able to cut and style it in a manner that you like. As a matter of fact, if you have undergone an FUE, you can wear your hair as short as you want.

Derma Clinic Hair Transplantation Services
Hair Transplantation
Follicular Unit Extraction(FUE)
FUE is a surgical hair transplant procedure to restore the lost hair. Before going to the procedure steps, it is important to have a bit of knowledge about the hair structure. A typical hair consists of hair shafts, follicles, vellus hair, sebaceous gland, nerve and blood vessels. The hair shafts can be seen above the skin and the follicular units stay on the surface. A hair follicular unit consists of 1-4 hairs. The main objective of the hair transplant procedure is to relocate the intra-follicular units from the donor site (usually, the back side of the head) to the recipient (bald) areas. In the FUE hair transplant procedure, the follicular units are extracted individually from the scalp using a small, sharp cylindrical punch.
The extracted follicular units are then transplanted into the recipient area individually. The procedure uses an automated extraction tool to remove the grafts and then place them in the recipient area. FUE does not require stitches or sutures.
A micro-punching tool and needle device is used to extract the individual follicular units. After that, the graft is extracted directly from the scalp and prepare them for implantation. To have an optimal visualization, the doctor may shaves the donor area.

FUT or Strip Hair
Follicular Unit Transplantation or Strip Hair techniques. The essence of these procedures is that the hair is transplanted into the balding area as individual follicular units (naturally occurring groups of 1-4 hairs), so that it will look totally natural and be undetectable as a hair transplant.
Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) differ in the way the hair is harvested (removed) from the donor area in the back of the scalp. In FUT, the hair is removed in a single, thin strip and then dissected into in individual follicular units using microscopes. In FUE, the follicular units are removed directly from the back and sides of the scalp using a robotic device.
PRP Treatment ( Platelet Rich Plasma)
The entire process to carry out Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is meticulous, and thus it requires to be conducted by an expert team of surgeons. In this hair regrow technique, the tube of blood sample taken by a professional is put into a machine called a centrifuge, which spins the blood tube at a rapid pace and separates the components of the blood. More precisely, it separates the blood cells from the plasma which is rich in platelets. It is then injected directly into the scalp at the level of hair follicles. This procedure is performed by proficient experts and takes less than a half hour.
Research studies are currently being conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of PRP treatment. At this time, the results of these studies are inconclusive because the effectiveness of PRP therapy can vary.

Growth Factor Concentrate Therapy (GFC)
Hair loss has become one of the common problems today, which requires instant action to stop it. But fortunately, it can be reserved and regained quickly with the person’s platelets, without any specific surgery, i.e., with Growth Factor Concentrate (GFC) Therapy Treatment.
Blood Platelets are enriched with various growth factors. Wockhardt Scientists extract them from the blood at a high concentration as a Growth Factor Concentrate is a specially designed Workhardt GFC kit. The collected GFC is then administered at the site to be treated with precise tools and specialists. The overall process involves no platelet loss and is non- pyrogenous, secure, and regenerates damaged tissues naturally.
This advanced and latest hair loss treatment helps a person get the best results in only 3-4 sittings. Therefore, it is considered the best procedure to undergo to restore lost hair.
Direct Hair Implantation (DHI)
Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) One of the most Advanced techniques of hair transplantation performed by certified surgeons, not like FUT and FUE mostly performed by technicians.
At very first, to perform this technique, hair follicles are extracted. One by one hair follicles is removed from the donor area with 0.8mm or 0.9mm diameter tool, specifically designed for this purpose. After that follicle is kept in a solution at a specific temperature. This particularly enhances the development of these follicles after placement without cutting or separating.
After that, the extracted follicles are placed in the bald region. A patented tool is used, named DHI Implanter with the help of which, these follicles are placed directly. The noteworthy point is, holes or slits are not created in advance.
All in all, this hair restoration solution, launches the hair fusion directly into the scalp without prior holes.
Beard and Moustache Transplant
Beard and Moustache Transplant is a procedure that restores hair to areas where spotty or patchy loss of hair occurs. Apart from transplanting hair on beard and moustache areas, it can also be performed on cheeks and sideburns.
The reasons why men have thin beard and moustache, spotty and patchy facial hair loss can be hereditary or because of scars, burns and Trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder). That’s why, the aims of Beard and Moustache Transplant may vary. While for some men only full beard is desired, for the others only a small area on the face can be covered.
For some men, facial hair loss can be a trauma and it may lower their self-confidence. Fortunately, Beard and Moustache Transplant brings a permanent solution to facial hair loss.

Eye brow transplantation
Eyebrow transplant surgery involves taking hair from another part of the body and transplanting it to the brow area. Healthy follicles are harvested from the donor site, typically the back of the head, and transferred to create the desired brow shape. Hair transplanted to this area will begin to grow like it did in its original location, so regular trimming will be needed.
Poorly – shaped eyebrows do not give a defined, charming face; on the contrary well designed eyebrows help the cheekbones stand out, making the face look more symmetrical while at the same time making the eyes look brighter. Well-groomed eyebrows balance the features of the face and frame the eyes.